Saturday 1 October 2011

Makeup Tips & Tricks To Hide Moles!

Makeup tips and tricks to hide moles:

1. Wash the face and then clear with a toner. Take some amount of toner in cotton and apply it on the face. Toner not only cleanses the skin but also keeps it dry which helps the makeup lasts longer.

2. Apply a foundation on the face and neck. Choose a foundation which is lighter than the normal skin colour. This gives a natural look.

3. Use a concealer to hide mole with makeup. This is one of the makeup tip and trick which hides almost any spot on the face. The concealer should match with the foundation colour. The blend of foundation and concealer is better and effective to hide moles on the face with makeup.

4. Green, yellow and lavender coloured concealer shades are also nice to hide moles with makeup.

5. Cream concealers are best to hide moles with makeup. Take a drop of cream concealer on the finger tip and apply it over the mole. Rub it gently in circular motion. Avoid exerting pressure.

6. If you are using powder concealer, apply with a brush and spread it slightly over the mole. You can mix little powder in the brush and apply together.

7. Let the concealer blend with the foundation. Follow it up with another layer of concealer if required. Firstly use some powder and then apply the second layer of concealer.

8. Powder prevents the makeup from spreading on the face. This is an effective makeup tip with a trick to keep makeup for a long time.

9. After applying second layer of concealer, take little amount of foundation and blend it with concealer on the skin.

10. Finally, after blending foundation and concealer, apply powder on the face.

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